Monday, March 4, 2019

What will they try next?

The House Oversight Committee...?

Just a thought with some reason to explain why – Why are the Democrats trying to gain recent points in the courthouses? Having an already confessed felon appear before a highly esteemed body of people suffering from “Politician-itis” and literally having his way, with his mouth conjuring up as many hateful nuances against one man that has proven to be void of fruition, in my mind's eye, makes the organizers of this event ridiculous. Of course, I speak of President Trump’s former attorney, Mr. Michael Cohen.

Here is a thought – Is there anyone out there reading or otherwise that are feeling, “Hmm, maybe we’ve got the wrong scenario, why don’t we blow the peoples' mind’s and say something good and favorable about OUR president?

Here is the disaster that you will have to overcome: Why do you feel compelled to dehumanize President Trump and continue to manipulate the media?

This very characteristic, dehumanizing our nations President, is not a good political agenda. As I sit and write, I am still wondering if anything at all will become of this strategy, other than the Democrat Party showing its full colors and just being mean to others.

The rubbish (supported by H. Clinton and others) of doing away with the Electoral College is a myth! Anyone who has studied at a reasonable rate of high school political science knows better. So, what about you? Ostensibly, I see you driving people away from your party. 

Shall we look at the travesty?

The border protection wall. I refer to it in that way is because I would hope that at that border, this protective wall will keep sex-trafficking, drug-laden humans or animals, or even vehicles tunneling their ways into our country. However, rather than to “try” and make Mr. Trump look and or appear as though he is looking for more money – admit it, you’ve promised him and other administrations a lot more money.

I cannot speak for you so this one will be solely for me. Has anyone, preferably members of the Democratic Party, taken a moment and stopped to see what your party is doing? How much better would it look and be received if you took some time to say something about President Trump’s meaningful successes?

Please, just take a look at the black worker rate? Now let’s accompany all that record-setting data and add the woman’s and the entire labor force combined? Our economy is doing fabulous. Why not make it better?

Although President Trump was doing business with the leaders of North Korea, China, and Vietnam why should we expect a reasonable media outfit to cover it? It is still very real to me that Democrat’s are still trying to bury this man than even to applaud his efforts.

This, Just a Thought, writing looks to cover a conservatives person’s feelings with answers. Still very upset that a “Special Council” is and has been appointed to investigate an issue they have already admitting to President Trump has been exonerated from.

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