Thursday, April 11, 2019

Congress should be listening and learning; above all, working!

Congress should be listening and learning; above all, working!

Tonight’s writing is one of these, ‘she-at’, how much more do I want to take? For the first episode
how could anyone in their right mind even remotely support of changing the USA’s Constitutional government? There are men, women, and even children espousing “let’s move toward or change our government to socialism.” If there is one thing I am certain of that must be that simply these people do not know what they are saying, in the true Marxian vernacular.
In the true Marxian fashion according to socialism, just as he said as his last words from the hospital bed, he said to Mr. Engle’s, “it still will not ever work.” Then he died. Alright, I for one, can see and handle that notion from whatever direction it’s coming from…just as long as those who are spilling this rubbish realize that they are espousing errors AND trying to form a conglomerate government that is further from socialism than it is from capitalism.
Another episode that is confounding up the works is that it is the very same people who are espousing this nonsensical rubbish who are grabbing the very best traits of capitalism, pardon me, but these folks are coming from the best universities and state schools and are ostensibly suffering from the lack of the American Dream, gripping about student loans, and going, with their wealth of stupidity to play in mom and dad’s house.
Yet the irony I have difficulty with is in the notion that these “little ones” were the spoiled ones and always got what they wanted. Do you think it will be that way as a socialist?

Okay then, let’s re-think and re-design and rename “socialism.” Let’s even put some capitalism in like the Fins, Swede’s and other Scandinavian nations did. You see, socialism will not work with democratic principles. So, for these nations to live as authoritarian or totalitarian governments where one person has all the power why not just add on some democratic principles?

Earlier today while listening to the news, a conglomerate of professionals were the judges. Questions such as healthcare, legalese, doctor’s fees, and medical payments, insurance minded people, economists, literally all the experts of their fields came to the conclusion that Americans would have to triple their now taxes on every good they enjoyed, to afford a government-owned and operated healthcare system; actually all of the experts agreed that the new form (after collecting the money from working and nonworking Americans) would be entirely like the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare.
Now, my first preemption. What would happen if the case of a strike? Or dare I say the workability numbers of the previous administrations? I do hope that you realize that in Canada, Australia, Scandinavia, many African and most European nations that the funds for healthcare come directly out of your own paycheck. Okay, preemption again. When one is paying healthcare for their entire family –let’s make this easy and simple – Mom, Dad, Brother and/or Sister’s healthcare costs, albeit used or unused still comes out of whomever’ s paycheck. Better hope that someone doesn’t need to use it; simply because it is going to cost more than your families made.
And of course, let’s not forget that almost all means of production, that is, companies that make money or not, are owned by the government. Yep, Qantas Airlines, Air Canada, and Aeroflot (Russian), Egyptian, Iranian, Vietnamese, Chinese, Venezuelan Air, and all of Air Africa are owned by their respective governments.
Finally, my hope beyond hope is that you go and live in the socialist nation before you even open your mouth again – you, and those of you who wanted to amend the free speech amendment.

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